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Celebrating Collaboration: Thanking Our Contributors to the Symposium's Success We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you, dear participants, for attending the 16th Annual Clinical Trials Symposium. Your engagement, insightful contributions, and commitment to advancing clinical research made this event a great success. We explored key topics, exchanged innovative ideas, and add...
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EUCROF25: A Convergence of Clinical Research Excellence in Copenhagen We are delighted to announce that our CEO, Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid MSc, EuSpLM, on behalf of AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research, member of ACCSCR will be attending the European Clinical Research Conference (EUCROF25) in Copenhagen from February 2-4, 2025. Dr. Florescu Moraid, repre...
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The 16th Annual Clinical Trials Symposium, held on November 8, 2024, in Bucharest, explored the theme of transforming clinical trials in the era of artificial intelligence. Organized by the AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research under the patronage of EUCROF and ACCSCR, the event brought together specialists from various fields to discuss innovations and challenges in global clinical research. ...
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One year after establishing the strategic development group for innovation in the medical field, particularly in pharmaceuticals, the strategic framework for advancing clinical trials in Romania has been finalized. On June 27, 2024, the Ministry of Health, the National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices from Romania, the G6-UMF University Alliance, and the Local American Working Group Associa...
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The Spring General Assembly 2024, organized by the European Federation of CROs (EUCROF), was successfully held in Bucharest, Romania, from June 6-7, 2024. The Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR) and Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the executive members of EUCROF for selecting Bucharest, Romania, as the venue for this significa...
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The Round Table event, organized by the Association of Clinical Research Organizations of Romania (ACCSCR) in collaboration with the Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research, took place at the Athénée Palace Hotel, Le Diplomate Hall, on June 6th. The event focused on recent advancements in the clinical research industry in Romania. The aim was to foster meaningful discussions and colla...
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The 7th European Conference on Clinical Research, titled "Pushing Boundaries and Accelerating Innovation," gathered professionals from various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, contract research organizations (CROs), technology firms, regulatory bodies, patient groups, and academia. The conference provided a platform to discuss the current challenges and fu...
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Dear cherished friends, Each year provides us with a splendid opportunity to bring joy to the hearts of underprivileged children in the localities of Bolintin Deal, Bolintin Vale, Ogrezeni, Malu Spart, and Suseni. Our company is orchestrating a unique Christmas event, and sponsors, whether they be companies or individuals, have the chance to transform into genuine Santas for these charming chil...
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The Annual Clinical Trials Symposium, organized by AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research, under the patronage of the European CRO Federation (EUCROF), the Romanian Association of Companies Performing Clinical Research (ACCSCR), and the Romanian Association of International Medicine Manufacturers (ARPIM), took place this year on November 17th in a hybrid format, both person at Capital Plaza Hotel ...
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Between November 24 and 25, 2023, the VIII edition of the Conference organised by the Association of Patients with Autoimmune Diseases (A.P.A.A.) occurred in a hybrid format. This event, held both at the Ambassador Hotel and online, brought together diabetologists, rheumatologists, dermatologists, family doctors, and specialists from various fields to engage in discussions on Autoimmune Diseases. ...
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Workshop Romania: The Development of a Competitive Model for Clinical Studies Mr. Teodor Cristian Blidaru, the project manager, collaborated with the Ministry of Health, the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania (NAMMDR), G6UMF, and LAWG to organize the workshop Romania: The Development of a Competitive Model for Clinical Studies on October 19th . The event aims t...
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On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, the MEDI.COM-RARE project organized an online webinar focusing on "Access to Clinical Trials for Patients with Rare Diseases in Romania." The event commenced with Dr. Tanaseanu George Regio, President of the Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR), discussing the vital role of Patient Associations. Dr. Dumitru Cristina Andreea provided valuable data on ra...
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Benefits of Involving Patients in Development Medicine Between June 1st and 4th, 2023, the Federation of Associations of Cancer Patients organized the 15th edition of the FACP National Conference with the theme "CANCER SURVIVORS' DAY", in the context of the new law of the same name. The event was attended by over 150 patients and relatives from the 22 FACP member associations and ...
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On this special day, the Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research joins the world in celebrating the incredible spirit and boundless potential of children like you. Children’s Day is a time to recognize your unique talents, dreams, and the joy you bring to our lives. At Avantyo, we believe that every child has the power to make a difference. Just like the scientists, researchers, and inno...
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From June 1st to June 4th, 2023, the Federation of Cancer Patients Associations is organizing the 15th edition of the National FCPA Conference, with the theme "IMPLEMENTING THE NATIONAL PLAN FOR CANCER PREVENTION AND CONTROL" in a hybrid format. The purpose of the conference is to inform cancer patients in Romania about specific topics of interest and to promote and defend patients' ...
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The hybrid event "International Clinical Trials Day Roundtable", organized by the AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research, took place at Metropolis Center, Hall Prague, Bucharest, on May 19, 2023. AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research plays a mediating role in strengthening relations between the competent Romanian authorities, the pharmaceutical industry, leading clinical trial compa...
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Agenția Națională a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale din România (ANMDMR), Comisia Națională de Bioetică a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale (CNBMDM), Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila” din București, Asociația Companiilor Conducătoare de Studii Clinice din România (ACCSCR), Asociația Română a Producătorilor...
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After more than 40 webinars and countless online meetings the first in-person gathering of the EUCROF Event & Training Working Group was held on in APICES headquarter’s in Madrid on February,2023. It was a very productive session with many insightful events planned and scheduled for the colleagues across the industry: webinars, conferences, trainings, podcasts and more.  ...
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Clinical Trials Symposium, 4th edition organized in Romania by AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research, under the patronage of European CRO Federation (EUCROF) and Romanian Association of Companies Performing Clinical Research (ACCSCR) took place on November, in a hybrid format, both in the Hanul cu Tei conference room in Bucharest and online. “After 2 and half years of unmet challenges in...
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We are very pleased to invite you to participate to a new edition of Annual Clinical Trials Symposium, organized by the Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research under the patronage of the European CRO Federation (EUCROF) and Romanian CROs Association (ACCSCR). The Annual Clinical Trials Symposium is a unique event on the Romanian market meant to facilitate the unique balance between specialists i...
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În ultimii ani, autoritățile au lansat mai multe proiecte pentru facilitarea realizării de studii clinice în România deoarece este codașă în regiune în privința studiilor clinice, fiind depășită de toate statele din flancul estic al UE. Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat miercuri, 20 iulie 2022, decretul privind promulgarea Legii pentru...
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Simpozionul de Studii Clinice, organizat de Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research sub auspiciile Federației Europene a CRO (EUCROF) si Asociatiei Companiilor Conducatoare de Studii Clinice din Romania (ACCSCR). Simpozionul de Studii Clinice este un eveniment unic pe piata romaneasca menit sa faciliteze echilibrul unic intre specialistii din industria farmaceutica, a organizatiilor profesional...
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June 1st is Children's Day, let us all celebrate the innocence and purity of our kids. Let them feel precious in every way that we can because they are our future. May the innocence that they hold, stay forever in their pure heart and bring the best out for each and every one of them. The earth reveals its innocence through the smiles of children. A very warm wish for all the children on th...
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Cu profund regret va aducem la cunostinta pe aceasta cale ca in data de 16 mai 2022 comunitatea Academica a pierdut un reprezentant de seama Dl.Acad. Prof. Dr.Constantin Mirciou. Pentru anii in care a fost alaturi de noi, pentru tot sprijinul acordat la fiecare eveniment organizat in scopul cresterii nivelului de educatie si informare in domeniul studiilor clinice echipa Avantyo Institute of Cl...
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“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.” - Charles Chaplin Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research joins “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy initiative to support the Ukrainian people in need. A...
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Campania „Santa Claus is coming to you” a ajuns la cea de-a doua ediție anul acesta și s-a încheiat pe 23 decembrie. Moș Crăciun și-a trimis și anul acesta ajutoarele mesageri din partea Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research, Arensia Exploratory Medicine, Eurofins, ARPIM, Namzya și Camina Medical, Asociatia Change for Change si a doamnelor Stanca Popescu, Craciunes...
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November 19, 2021, marked the date of the latest edition of the Annual Clinical Trials Symposium held by Avantyo. This edition, like the ones before, was organized under the European CRO Federation (EUCROF), National Association of CROs in Romania (ACCSCR) and the Romanian Association of Drug Manufacturers and Importers – (ARPIM). For the duration of an entire day, a multitude of hot topics,...
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Centre for Innovation in Medicine, an NGO acting on the European health area, is organizing the 6th edition of its annual Personalised Medicine Conference on 16th of December (10 am CET). The theme of this year is “The biological revolution of the 4th industrial revolution”. For the second year in a row, the conference will be virtual. We strongly believe that in this pandemic context,...
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Versatility is key to the development of health technology for children and young people to be easily adaptive to their social, physical and developmental needs. Co-design and development of medical devices with children and young people is key to adoption, acceptance and trust. This webinar will focus on thepatient's involvement in MDs development. Speakers of the webinar are Prof. Paul...
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Annual Conference 2021: Clinical Research Value and Transparency How to capitalise on the post-pandemic: 2020 and 2021 have changed the public’s and researchers’ attitude on value of clinical research and its transparency. Both used to be a “Nice to have” and subject to good intentions but our experiences during COVID-19 pandemic showed us the fundamental need ...
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Simpozionul de Studii Clinice, organizat de Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research sub auspiciile Federației Europene a CRO (EUCROF) si Asociatiei Companiilor Conducatoare de Studii Clinice din Romania (ACCSCR). Simpozionul de Studii Clinice este un eveniment unic pe piata romaneasca menit sa faciliteze echilibrul unic intre specialistii din industria farmaceutica, a organizatiilor profesional...
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Overview Clinical trials are research studies that use a group of participants to test health-related treatments or interventions. Historically, those studies have occurred mostly in centralized settings. This means that clinical trial visits involved the participant going to where the study principal investigators were practicing their regular duties, i.e. in clinics, hospitals or&nb...
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Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths are back on the rise in the U.S. as the highly transmissible Delta variant spreads across the country. The big picture: This is happening almost exclusively to people who aren’t vaccinated, and it’s worse in places where overall vaccination rates are low. “This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” CDC Dire...
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Harmonization of clinical trials in all member states of the European Union On the International Day of Clinical Studies, representatives of the authorities, the pharma industry and the CRO pointed out the steps that Romania has to take to relaunch the field of clinical trials for our country. For more information on this topic, access the following link: Viata Medicala - CL...
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Creating instructions for use (IFU) for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic products requires quite a lot of responsibility. In fact, you need to combine your techcomm skills with project management, administrative and legal skills. Luckily, what needs to be included in the instructions for use for medical devices has been determined in relevant legislation. If there is any industry ...
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International Children's Day is an opportunity to celebrate children, the miracle of birth and purity and their right to be protected. Last year and this year, COVID-19 pandemic led to a crisis of children's rights. The consequences of the pandemic are immediate and if there are not solved it could affect the future of millions of children. Children's wish is to live in a normal wor...
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On Friday (May 21, 2021) and Monday (May 24, 2021) Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, director of the Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research, had an interview for the radio station "Radio Romania Cultural" on the occasion of the International Clinical Trials Day. During the interview, the "European Regulation Day" meeting organized by Avantyo Institute with the subject "...
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Dear colleague in Clinical Research, We are pleased to announce that European CRO Federation (EUCROF) invites you to the 6th European Conference on Clinical Trials. The conference will take place in Madrid, Spain on 7 & 8 February, 2022. CONFERENCE FEATURES * Rich Scientific Programme with many well-known Speakers * Exhibition and B2...
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TESTIMONIALS: 1. Despina Militaru 2. Carla Luchian 3. Tiberiu Esanu 4. Ana Maria Ion 5. Andreea Grosu 6. Cristina Buleu 7. Bogdan Roman ...
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Our online meeting with the Romanian competent authorities, the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices in Romania (NADMDR) and the National Commission for Bioethics of Medicines and Medical Devices (NCBMMD) was held on 25 February, 2021, and over 100 virtual attendees from the clinical trials industry participated to this event The development of the clinical trials in Romania is sti...
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Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research stays committed to build-up a valuable educational platform in 2021, supporting new comers and professionals to advance a successful carrier in clinical research. We are glad to present you our calendar of events for 2021! We have prepared a short video that shows all the events organized by Avantyo! For more information, we invite you to access our ...
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Starting with January 19, 2021, Doctor Roxana Stroe returns to the position of President of the National Agency for Medicine and Medical Devices in Romania (ANMDMR). Dr. Roxana Stroe is a primary care pharmacist and has been working at ANMDMR for 11 years. She led Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Department and since 2014 she is a full member of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee...
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TESTIMONIALS ALEXANDRA MANAILA - Specialized Journalist in Medical Field "I consider that it is extremely important for the journalists to take advantage of every opportunity they have to learn new things or deepen the knowledge of certain notions assimilated some time ago. Medicine is constantly changing, new information is always appearing and obviously the journalists have to be ...
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Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research stays committed to build-up a valuable educational platform, supporting new comers and professionals to advance a successful carrier in clinical research. We are proud to present our recent activities in a short video. We kindly invite you to follow our annual calendar of events, which will be released soon! We wish you a happy, healthy and prosp...
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“Santa Claus is coming to you” is the name of Xmas campaign organized by Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research together with companies Camina Medical and Arensia Exploratory Medicine, started on 16th of December and completed on 22nd of With this charity campaign “SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO YOU” 16 families and 30 children from several rural localities, i.e.Aprozi (Calara...
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Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid talks about the impact of the pandemic on the clinical trials community and about the experience in this regard, as reflected by the speakers participating in the Clinical Studies Symposium 2020 as the first speaker during the special edition of #RaportuldegardăLIVE, from the 10th of December 2020. This marathon edition of Raportul de Garda broa...
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AVANTYO INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL RESEARCH and the INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND EDUCATION, are organizing the webinar for media “Are the clinical trials sufficiently understood?” on the 14th of December 2020. There is an increasing need for enrolling patients into clinical trials testing the most innovative discovered molecules which might solve some urgent health issues. The...
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Viata Medicala magazine publishes an analysis of the panel discussion “Strategies to Speed-Up the Review Timelines by the National Agency For Drugs and Medical Devices in Romania (NADMDR)”, the first session of the Annual Clinical Trials Symposium held online on the 20th of November 2020. This topic of high interest takes part of the event Agenda as a consequence of the fact that si...
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On the 20th of November, for one day during 8 sessions, 42 international and local professionals have discussed virtually in front of 123 attendees interested in the clinical research arena about their experience in facing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of clinical trials. The lessons about the impact of the pandemic, have been presented by representatives of the compet...
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Our Annual Clinical Trials Symposium held online on the 20th of November 2020, is the place where the clinical research actors meet to discuss the unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. “2020: A YEAR OF UNPRECEDENTED CHALLENGES IN CLINICAL RESEARCH. WHAT DID WE LEARN AND HOW WE CAN TURN THE LEARNING FROM COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN A WIN FOR FUTURE”. Theref...
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“The training of specialists in the field of clinical trials is becoming increasingly important” – Interview of Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid in MedicHub. The field of clinical trials opens doors to specific professions that are not yet taught in the Romanian faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy or with postgraduate courses. Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid explains how AVANTYO Institu...
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Cristina Racoceanu was appointed by the Romanian Minister of Health as President of the Romanian National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (NAMMDR), just one week after taking over the positions of Vice President with attributions regarding the technical-administrative activities. Previously, Cristina Racoceanu held a management position within the National Authority for Health Managemen...
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This year, the second edition of AVANTYO main event will be held virtually and focused on the learning of the COVID-19 pandemics for the clinical trials community. The Annual Clinical Trials Symposium 2020 is organized under the patronage of the European CRO Federation - EUCROF and of the Romanian Association of CROs - ACCSCR. 2020 is a year of unprecedented challenges with major impact on both...
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This is an online event organized by the European CRO Federation on Monday, October 19, 2020, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EES. This is a webinar for Medical Directors, Scientific Officers, Project Managers, Investigators, Senior CRAs, Biostatisticians, Patients Advocates and any other person involved in Clinical Trials. Registration deadline: 18 October 2020 - Overview - The Cou...
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The second AVANTYO online meeting with the competent Romanian authorities, the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices in Romania (NADMDR) and the National Commission for Bioethics of Medicines and Medical Devices (NCBMMD), was held on August 7, 2020, and gathered over 95 virtual attendees from the clinical trials industry and patients representatives. The “Regular meeting with ...
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We have the pleasure to announce the Conference on “Future of clinical trials, AI and data”, a free online event held on Friday, 25 September 2020, 11-18h (EEST time) / 9-16h (UK time). Summary We are witnessing a biotechnological revolution and more companies invest huge funds in the biotechnology industry. Biotechnologies are at the heart of cancer and rare diseases therapies a...
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We announce our Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Training for Advanced on September 17-18, 2020! This is the second module of the Training Program for CRA which is organized by AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research for monitors. The participants who have already attended the CRA Training for Entry Level (module 1) organized by AVANTYO, will benefit from a 15% discount to the CRA Trai...
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Clinical trials contribute significantly to a country's health and budget, benefiting patients, investigators, and the entire system. The report "Clinical Trials - foreign investments in Romania", made for the Romanian Association of International Drug Manufacturers (ARPIM) and the Association of Coordinating Companies for Clinical Trials in Romania (ACCSCR), was launched on Septe...
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The clinical trials are part of medical research and, theoretically, any person can participate in a clinical trial, as a healthy volunteer or in a project focused on a specific pathology or therapeutically indication. Anyone could receive information about a certain clinical trial or about an option of therapy or a molecule under research. But what the Romanian Law says about informing the pat...
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The course offers a refresh on GCP knowledge, to understand better the implications for the quality management system of the sponsor and its suitability for sites in practical terms! This one-day online training is the right choice for members of investigators team or site management professionals. The attendants might be professionals from clinical study teams or referrals,(i.e. clinician, ...
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In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, became applicable and brought new rules to companies to adopt. Due to the large volume of personal data, the compliance with GDPR is important for sponsors, CROs, investigators and sites. What is the GDPR and the personal data, which are the five simple rules for complying with the GDPR, what is the European Code of Conduct in Cli...
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The clinical trials development in Romania is still affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and by the backlog that has to be solved with new solutions to accelerate the studies approval. During the online roundtable organized by AVANTYO on the 7th of August, 2020, at 13:00, the competent authorities will disclose new information on this matter. With the series of regular meetings with the regulatory...
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Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid has written a brief overview of the discussions from the roundtable that she hosted on May 15, 2020. The event has focused on the changes and solutions to be taken into consideration to improve the clinical trials deployment in Romania, activity severely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. On the spot, there are the hot concerns that brought into discussion topics of ...
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The competent authorities have shared the newest information regarding conducting the research studies during the COVID-19 pandemic that affects the deployment of clinical trials in Romania, in front of over 60 participants from 35 CROs and pharmaceutical companies during the online roundtable organized by AVANTYO on May 15, 2020. The event has brought the opportunity to discuss rules, innovat...
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Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid is interviewing Dr. Andreea Cristina Dumitriu, Country Lead at Premiere Research Romania, about the importance of the clinical research investigator and his team, pointing on the crucial roles in developing a drug of this clinician who knows very well the criteria for enrolling a certain type of patient and who rigorously selects the right people for a clinical researc...
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The new interim president of NAMMDR was appointed by the Ministry of Health on 20th of May 2020, after being a vice-president for a few months and personal adviser to a health secretary of state in 2019. Dr. Almasan has also occupied top positions in the industry of clinical research, as IQVIA director and first president of the Romanian CROs’ Association (ACCSCR). In 2020, the president ...
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The newest information regarding conducting the research studies during the COVID-19 pandemic that affects the deployment of clinical trials in Romania will be shared by Romanian competent authorities to pharma companies and CROs during the online roundtable organized by Avantyo on Friday, May 15, 2020, at 12:00 P.M. The outbreak of COVID‑19 has affected tremendously the clinical trials indus...
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AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research will be starting soon online training, conferencing, and events as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly evolved worldwide with major impacts on social life, healthcare systems, and the economy. As a response to this challenge and to keep our subscribers, participants and trainees connected and informed about the latest ...
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Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid - AVANTYO CEO, talks about the complexity of knowledge and responsibilities that make the monitor look like an orchestrator who puts the actors of the clinical trial to “sing” for the best “music”. She also points out that this speciality is almost “unknown” to medical science graduates even if clinical trials and monitoring are very ...
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In our fifth article, Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid presents the history of GCP - the code for clinical trials, which are the pharma sponsors’ responsibilities according to these guidelines and the latest guidance to conduct clinical trials during the COVID 19 pandemic issued by EMA and FDA, the regulatory authorities in the US and Europe. After the medical world has been shaken by tragic e...
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Update 30.03.2020 | The European Commission, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and national Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) have published new recommendations on how to manage the conduct of clinical trials in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The impact of the pandemic on European health systems and more broadly on society will make it necessary for sponsors to ...
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The meeting was convened under the umbrella of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA), co-chairs the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The goal of the meeting was to encourage the exchange of information about global efforts to find and develop new vaccines against COVID-19. On March 18, 2020, the first global regulat...
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About patient involvement in drug development, the new “direct to patient” DTP model improving patients' recruitment and retention, about “Trials@Home Consortium”, the INNOVATIVE MEDICINES INITIATIVE platform (IMI) dedicated to accelerate the access of patient to novel medication and many other interesting subjects in our last article from Viata Medicala Magazine. Th...
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In the third issue of the "Clinical Study Pill" / “Pastila de Studii Clinice” section from Viata Medicala Magazine, we wrote about the clinical trials professionals who perform their entire activity during the research project around the patient to ensure that any newly invented medicine is safe for the patient and works for his benefit to improve the quality of life. Thes...
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We proudly announce our first training on the clinical research education scene. We have started our series of courses with a training for those who are at the core of the study research projects, the people monitoring the activities in terms of compliance with protocols & regulations, and who are also the liaison between many of actors such as sponsor, investigating doctors and other vendo...
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As previously promised, we continue to "administer" clinical trial pills, by bringing to the attention of Viata Medicala magazine's readers, valuable information about the clinical trial phases. The process of developing a new medicine goes through all the four phases along several years, sometimes the development of a medicine lasting more than ten years. Find more in our arti...
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On 10 & 11 February 2020, in Amsterdam, the European Contract Research Organizations Federation – EUCROF organizes its conference and proposes the participants to discuss and scrutinize “Science, Technology and Regulations Coming Together for Better Patients’ Health”. “The primary objective of the Conference is to ensure that all attendees are brought fully up ...
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Professors Doctors Adrian Streinu-Cercel, Cătălina Poiană and Viorel Jinga are the candidates for the position of rector at Bucharest "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy - UMFCD. The first round of elections will take place on February 10th and the second on February 17 2020. Dr Adrian Streinu – Cercel, PhD, is an infectious diseases senior physician, manag...
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On January 14, 2020, Roxana Stroe was appointed as interim president of the ANMDM by Victor Costache, Minister of Health. Dr Roxana Stroe is a senior physician specialized in Clinical Pharmacology and works at ANMDM since the end of 2010. Dr Stroe is currently the coordinator of the Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Directorate of the institution. Since 2014, Dr Stroe has been a member of t...
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Official news: the Ministry of Health has confirmed that the dismissal order for Marius Daniel Șișu was signed today by Victor Costache, the Minister of Health. Marius Daniel Șișu was appointed in February 2019 by the former Government as interim president of the Romanian National Agency of Drugs and Medical Devices - ANMDMR, although he dropped admission to the Faculty of Pharmacy in July 201...
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As a preamble to our information activity in 2020, at the end of this year, we have started a series of articles in Viata Medicala magazine, dedicated to physicians, especially those who have not yet come in contact with clinical trials. The first of these articles appeared in the 2019 last issue of the magazine, no. 52, on page 14 and was written by Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid, Avantyo CEO. We...
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Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, CEO of AVANTYO Institute of Clinical Research has been invited to open the works of the 9th Regular Conference “Partnership in Clinical Trials”, held in Belgrade, on December 13, 2019 with the presentation "Clinical Trials - Perpetually shifting geographical footprints". The event was organized by CRA Academy from Belgrade. The geographica...
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On November 29, 2019, we have organized our first roundtable hosted by Avantyo's CEO, Dr Cristina Florescu Moraid. The event has focused on educational needs of clinical research professionals in 2020, in the context of the expected changes in the process of submission & approval of clinical trials, due to the new Clinical Trial Regulation (EU 536/2014) and of the new organizing rules of t...
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The Drug Information Association chose Amsterdam for its two European conferences regarding implementing the new EU clinical trials regulation and complying with global disclosure and transparency requirements for medicinal products and medical devices. Both events are held this December at the Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City. Clinical Trial Regulation Conference The conference will focus on ...
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Poland, wherein 2019 the government invested 100 million PLN to set up the Polish Medical Research Agency dedicated to increase the level of education within the medical corps on the development of clinical trials and to create a network of specialized centres, has been chosen as a host for the 2019 SCRS CEE Ambassador Symposium. ” The Polish Medical Research Agency is not the same i...
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The competition to recruit the president and vice president of the Romanian National Drug Agency (ANMDMR) scheduled for November 6, 2019 has been postponed for subsequent dates. The information is available from an announcement of the Ministry of Health General Directorate of Legal and Human Resources, document consulted by The contest scheduled on November 6th at 11:00 am, wa...
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Are Central and Eastern European Union member states ready to implement the new EU Clinical Trial Regulation (536/2014)? This information day provides a platform for discussion about the status of the implementation and further compliance with the new Regulation, as well as the associated legislation in the region. The event is organized by the Drug Information Association (DIA) and is held on ...
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Welcome to the Clinical Trials Symposium! We are pleased to announce that our 2019 edition has started, under the patronage of the European CRO Federation and Romanian Association of CROs. We have highlighted so far the importance of developing clinical trials in the medical community, an overview of the real benefit for patients and physicians and the busy activity of the European CRO Federati...
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